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Journey With Me outlines six personal and professional core practices inspired by my history of traumas, failures, and successes. From as early as age seven and well into my adult years, I have had my fair share of tragedies - my father's addiction and attempted suicide, my own struggles with drugs, my high school sweetheart and first husband, Mike's 5-year imprisonment, his death from an overdose, and the death of our daughter, Amber.
I believe life throws us tragedies so we can share our story of triumph on the other side.
However, you must fight through your tragedies to make it there.
I have had many successes during my life journey but only after sharing my failures can you truly understand how I got to my core practices.
My Personal Core Practices
Be Alert
Learn to Fail
My Professional Core Practices
"One-Time" Your Business
Embrace Your Strengths
Get Connected
I believe each of our lives is like a road trip. When traveling, you use a map to get from one destination to another. Even with a map you can take wrong turns, but you are able to adjust and take a different road if you choose. There are signs along the way with life lessons, and the road you take will determine your life direction and life experiences.
I will share tools and resources to take your life and business to the highest level. By embracing my core practices, you will see that you have everything you need in life. I will provide the tools needed to accomplish EVERYTHING you want in life!
I'm excited for you to take this journey with me. "Live Your Dream Now!"